Friday, March 6, 2009


Once again, internet is virtually non-existant. The hotel let me use the one computer in their took 20 minutes to just load my email page! I think they have a rhino transerring all of the information back to civilization! I apologize, but I'm not able to load any of our amazing picures on the blog with this computer.

We spent yesterday traveling to the game reserve, stopping to visit the governmet buildings in Pretoria where Nelson Mandela was inaugurated. We arrived at the reserve just in time for lunch, relaxation, swimming, and a safari drive where we saw lions eating a recently killed animal about 10 feet from our jeep. We also saw giraffes, zebras, rhinos, and several varieties of deer. We ended the day with a South African Braai, or BBQ where we all sat around a fire called a Boma.

This morning, we were greeted by three small lion cubs who were just transfered to our hotel grounds on the reserve and some students got to feed them with a bottle! Then it was off to the Cradle of Humankind to crawl through the caves where the oldest human remains were found.

We're enjoying some more freetime this afternoon before our concert back in Pretoria this evening with the Guateng Youth Choir.

Tomorrow we're off to Cape Town...


Sam Miller's Family said...

What an incredible trip!
Thank you for the updates!

Beth said...

It's wonderful to see these photos and even more wonderful to listen again to the great start-off concert at St. Paul's. Thank you for sending this our way!

Beth Kiley Kinder