Saturday, March 7, 2009

Guateng Youth Choir Concert

Stay tuned for video footage of our final concert in Guateng province with the Guateng Youth Choir. (They take a long time to edit and upload!) GYC consist of singers aged 19-30. Their choir was completely amazed and overwhlemed by our singers and I'm so proud! Our audience also consisted of residents of a local nursing home, which our tour bus picked up and drove to the concert. Every time I think our choir has done its best, they do something even better!

I'm also amazed at what good travelers we have with us! There is so little complaining and everyone is willing to give their all for the group. What a relief!

On Sunday, we have a long day, singing both Sunday Eucharist and Evensong at St. George's Cathedral.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Dear Mr. Lynch,
Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to confess my undying love for you. Secondly, the videos of the send-off concert are fabulous. Thirdly, judging by the photos, the trip looks like it has been fantastic so far. Fourthly, how did you bribe the choir to sing at last night service? Finally, and most importantly, please tell the choir i miss them - seriously.