Monday, March 9, 2009

Quite a day!

I won't attempt to write anything to explain how amazing today has been! I think the pictures speak for themselves and I ask that you take a moment to ask our singers about it in person. They have a lot to say about it...

Here are some of the youngest and newest orphans.

With several hundred orphans, here is only a small bit of their laundry.

This is Mama Rosie who began the orphange in Kalitshaye township. She also began several other outreach ventures such as a hospice center for residents and orphans who are HIV+. She was able to begin only through the help of SPS alums Juliet and Jessica Thompson.

St. George's Capetown

We spent a long, hot day in St. George's Cathedral to sing for Sunday services. For Evensong, we were joined by the cathedral choir. Conducting for this service was easily one of the highlights of my musical career. (Because I was so busy, most of the pictures ended up on other's cameras)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Guateng Youth Choir Concert

Stay tuned for video footage of our final concert in Guateng province with the Guateng Youth Choir. (They take a long time to edit and upload!) GYC consist of singers aged 19-30. Their choir was completely amazed and overwhlemed by our singers and I'm so proud! Our audience also consisted of residents of a local nursing home, which our tour bus picked up and drove to the concert. Every time I think our choir has done its best, they do something even better!

I'm also amazed at what good travelers we have with us! There is so little complaining and everyone is willing to give their all for the group. What a relief!

On Sunday, we have a long day, singing both Sunday Eucharist and Evensong at St. George's Cathedral.

The Cradle of Humankind