Saturday, February 28, 2009

Send-off Concert

Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate the beginning of our tour. As anyone in the choir can tell you, I was quite anxious about this concert, but as always they rose to the occasion!

Thank you also to those who made donations. We raised almost $1,000 and countless toys, books, and clothes for orphans. Hopefully we can get it all into our suitcases this morning.

Here are just a few clips from the concert. Unfortunately, the camera turned off after the first 15 minutes and is off-center. I will try to improve my movie-making skills on this trip.

Not bad for our first go of it, if I do say so myself!

Cantate Domino-Hassler

Magnificat in G-Stanford

Agnus Dei-Byrd

Factum est silentium-Dering

1 comment:

Will Stowe said...


You guys are sounding great! Best of luck overseas!

-Will Stowe